And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, March 4, 2011

Scary Lesbian

This makes me laugh for so many reasons. Cereal. Why are people so scared of lesbians? Maybe scared isn't the right word. From my experience men have had a difficult time being polite to me. Not your typical chivalry like opening a door for me. I mean things like keeping the door open so it doesnt slam in my face when I walk into a store. Common courtesy. Men do not have it for me. For my femme girlfriend. Absolutely. Even flirting. I'm pretty non existent if we go to a straight bar. I'm an extrovert. I like to have fun and get to know people. But when walking into a straight bar, men are very reluctant to talk to me. Or even be remotely courteous. I'll never get over it someday I'm certain. Until then. I'm gonna be a Scary Lesbian! Beware! Hoot and holler.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But we rarely do because of your stubborness. Thanks anon.