And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Even when she is hungover, she looks so good.


Cat Bath Step by step

What should a cat do if they want a bath? Here are some steps that may take place.

Step 1. Watch your owner as they brush hair. Meow relentlessly during this process. When they start watching you, move onto step 2.
Step 2: Venture into the bath tub. Seem curious(as all cats are) at noises made in the room. Again, meow relentlessly.
Step 3: Sniff and meow at the tub spicket. Meow relentlessly. This should do the trick. Results may vary.

Step 4. You are bathed because you were so curious about what the tub did. Nice job.




Obama Bumper sticker

Seriously. This is funny.

Seattle Summer

Summer sent me this picture this morning. Seattle is gorgeous. I would definitely visit. I'm not sure about living there again. It's so gloomy, but visit? Heck yes! I would love to see Summer, and Dave, and Tony, and Elena! :) A few donf memories reside in Seattle.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fatty Melt

You know you want me. :)


I plead the 5th on this one.

Fur Butt

Deena just sent me these pictures of my lil furry man. They are at home enjoying the view today. I know I have said this 1,228,574,566,426,551,355 times. But seriously people, have you seen a cuter cat? I swear if there were cutest cat awards he would win. He loves to be spooned. I know I know. You're jealous.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Blast From the Past

I seriously had a blast from the past today. My friend Gayle had some old pictures of when we were all young. When I say all I mean Meghan, Gayle, and myself...oh and our old softball team. It was crazy to see. I don't even have pictures from that time period in my life. That's nuts right? I am grateful though, it reminds me that I did have a childhood. Some of these AMAZINGLY flattering pictures that may have been lost forever. So glad they weren't. I couldn't live if I never saw picture #5 ever again. How tragic! Enjoy.

I don't really care to explain this one. It haunts me...but I am in my beloved Jeep.
Meg and I were always playing video games. Look how young I am!

Softball was my life when I was young. Excuse the serious look. I was prolly mad doggin the other team while taking off my catching gear. WOOT!
Hope you enjoyed this! Although some of these pictures are embarrassing it is still nice to see that I did have a childhood!

Viva Las Vegas!

Room Service at 4am. Seriously. I think this is the best burger I have ever had in my life.
The most amazing tub I have ever seen. Seriously. It could fit 10 people. Easily. This was my shower for the weekend. Can we say heck yes?

The Luxor was a nice little tour we took.
Then on to Excalibur for the Tournament of Kings. Seriously this is the best show that I have ever seen. The best food too. I ate a whole cornish hen, potatoes, brocolli, dinner rolls, gruel, and dessert. With my bare hands. No utensils.
Then? A little smoke of my cigarette. :) Vegas was awesome!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

For everyone who needs a smile

Las Vegas Guide

Where do you go for GOOD but CHEAP food? Good games, and friendly fast drink service? Terrible's Casino. This place is the only reason I have ever survived in Las Vegas. AWESOME food. $2.99 breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, sauage, bacon, and biscuits. Can you say YUM? Seriously though. If you are in the las vegas area and not wanting to spend $50+ on food and drinks go to Terriblee's Hotel and Casino. And check out Fremont St. too. Hot dogs, fried oreos, and soda. $3. Can't beat that either. WOOT.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Las Vegas

Yup. I am going. Deena and I booked a room this Thurs and Fri...I need to get the hell out of Phoenix. I am exhausted. I need a vacation. BAD.

Monday, June 14, 2010


5 minutes ago 5.9 Southern California

AGAIN?!?!? We felt this again in Phoenix. What is really going on?

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am confused.

Cute cats and toys

My girlfriend and Junior were playing with some feathers the other day. She took one of the cutest pictures of him I have ever seen. Who couldn't love this cat? He has to be the cutest thing in the entire world. I love him, and my lady. Thanks babe for playing with the fur monster.

Abby Sunderland Blog

What a relief to hear that Abby is ok! I don't know her or her family, but I hope that they treasure her even more now!

Posted by Abby Sunderland at 7:09 AM Abby Safe on Board Ile de la Reunion

For those of you who don't know who Abby is, check this out:

Helmet Don'ts

So there I was..cruisin in my ride. And then POW. Here pulls up Old School wanna be MacGuyver. He has on Mint pants complete with mint like colored shirt. Oh and don't forget the satchel. HOT. Oh and who could miss the helmet complete with MICROPHONE? Who do you talk to while riding your moped through the Phoenix vicinity? Maybe he has a moped microphone posse. You never know. Either way I am greatful to have laughed AT with this guy. Maybe it's just me, but I definitely find this funny. Holler.

90's sitcoms

Isn't this so true? I used to love watching these shows. Step by step. Family Matters. All the good ones. Now you have teenage soap operas. Where did we take a turn for the cruddy? Realistically shows in the 90's has something that we don't have today. Sustenance. Oh and super cute cast members. Is it weird that I had a crush on Sean and Tapanga when I was young? Nah. Hoot.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Google bow chicka bow bow

And this is what comes up. For real? What has happened to the world. I can only imagine how funny some kid thought this was. They were probably really excited to use the words "Porn Music"....Realistically what is considered porn music? Mainly 80's elevator music right?

WAIT. Did you just suggest me to bump uglies to Beethoven? I am so turned on right now. I can't tell you how badly I want to tell my partner during sexy time to turn on "Bagatelle in A minor, WoO 59" or "Opus 124: Consecration of the House". Now that is sexy. Hoot

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Email and Bacon

Who could want more?


Deena made some gumbo last night. YUM! This stuff was the bomb for real. It was really really good. Like really really. She cooked some pork sausage instead of shrimp. This was really a good meal. We watched some HGTV while eating this fine gumbo. Dinner was a success. A Wonderful tasting success. Try pork with your gumbo folks. It adds this insane burst of flavor. And of course some milk for the spicy. Hoot and Holler.