And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Plan

Since Sunday...(6/8/08) I have been riding a bike to and from work. Why?!?-You ask? I have three really good reasons as to why I'm doing it.

1. I want to lose weight, get in shape, and feel better.

2. I want a tan. I'm tired of being pasty!

3. I do NOT want to pay $4.10 a gallon...I'm WAY to cheap.

So yesterday, I was going on my merry way to work, and **SNAP!!!** my chain busted right in the middle of an intersection. I was probably 1/4 mile away from work. I got lucky and my good friend Meghan was able to come rescue me from my tragedy. I got the chain fixed this morning, so hopefully i will be good to go for awhile. I'm sore, but not terribly. I'm getting a little darker. I think I might wearing some tanning solution tomorrow to help out my Casper like complexion.
I'm liking the change of pace though. I get to park my truck for a bit which means less wear and tear on my baby. Also Anthony is biking to and from work, so it makes everything a little bit better especially when we decide to randomly go on a bike ride. (As if we don't already do it all day) I needed something like this, and I'm glad that I finally took the initiative to do so. I need to be SEXIFIED for my baby boo.

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