And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I feel sad for you.

That you were only real on paper. And the internet.

Not that it affected me, because in reality your fakeness did me a favor.
Thank you for Lying to me, Making me feel worthless, Making me feel ugly, Making me feel incapable, Making me feel the need to constantly give and never receive, Making me see that money was the only thing that kept you happy with me, Making up lies to other women so they would feel sorry for you, Thank you for flirting with other females when we were together, thank you for sexting other women, thank you for making me out to be a monster, thank you for making me feel like I was the problem, Thank you for separating me from everyone who loved me, Thank you for being jealous about EVERY SINGLE female in my life, Thank you for forcing me to come out to my Father when I told you for 3 years it was up to me, Thank you for every time you dumped water, soda, and iced tea all over me because I wouldn’t give you your way, Thank you for the mental, emotional, and verbal abuse, oh and Thank you for trying to pay your bills with my credit card.

Thanks to you, I guarded myself. I met a lot of crazy girls who did a lot of crazy things for me. And when the smoke cleared; I found myself.

Thank you. Without you trying to ruin me, I never would have found  me.