And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coco Swollen

Poor little Coco got into something that made her wittle face swell. Thank you Benadryl. I freaked out, and didnt even notice it until she tried to lick me. I couldnt believe how her little face had swollen up so big. I grabbed her, and took her straight to Deena who told me to get a Benadryl in her asap. Luckily this did the trick. Her wittle face returned to a normal Chiuhuahua size. It was kinda cute. Oh how I love you Coco.

Monday, September 12, 2011


i feel like im watching my life crumble into pieces right before my eyes

Friday, September 2, 2011

Coco the baby Deer/Dog

I swear. she is the reason I want to rub bellies in the morning. Thanks for being cute coco bear deer.