And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, October 22, 2010

From Sara

Shoe Fail

I don't even know what to say here. If you cannot see this mans shoes I highly encourage you to click on these pictures to make them larger. IF by chance you happen to BE the young man that I saw on 21st ave and Camelback Rd. in Phoenix wearing Please email me. I would very much like to see how you came up with this concotion of Duct tape, tin foil, and sandal. Just out of curiosity...are you aware that the 99cent store has flip flops? Or that Old Navy has $2 flip flops? Did you know? Or did you need $2? If that is the case I will gladly donate to your "Make my tin foil duct tape sandals go in the trash" fund. Gladly. HOLLER

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Taco Bell

She loves me. :) Hoot and holler.

Sunrise from the High rise

It's almost pretty enough to not make me want to buy a house. Almost.

Taco bell sauce

I heart the little sayings on these packets. They are quite amusing. "Will you scratch my back?" That is me. All the way. I am always asking Deena to scratch my back. Constantly. Philli even bought me a back scratcher to keep in my office, and I totally use it on a daily basis. I have an itchy back, what can I say?

I can't help but think of some perverted guy in the Taco Bell Marketing team snickering as he came up with this one. Am I just dirty minded? Or does this come to the minds of most people when reading a saying such as this? It could be just me. Truly. I am a true skeptic. I think most things are out to get me. Speaking of perversion and skepticism...have you seen the new AXE commercial? DIRTY BALLS?!? Oh heck. If you haven't seen it, youtube that crap. For sheezy. How do they get away with it?!?! Holler!

Pretty in Pink

 I know. This looks like torture. But it's really not. Jeni bought Cairo a little pink sally home maker dress and she looks cute as pie. She didn't mind it very much. Although she did walk backwards for the majority of the night. It was cute. You probably had to be there....but how CUTE does she look?!? Hoot! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

READ of the day! :)

Referring to Paladino’s comment about brainwashing, Angelo added, “I don’t want New Yorkers to be brainwashed into thinking that ignorance is an equally valid and successful option. It isn’t.”

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

what the hail?

It hailed in Phoenix yesterday. I couldn't believe how big the hail was. Jonathon grabbed one from the ground and held it out while I took a picture of it. It is almost golf ball sized. It was huge! Especially for Phoenix. It poured...really really poured for about 5 minutes...let up....then poured again. It was so pretty to see. I still can't believe it hailed. So many people at work are telling me that they have to have their cars repaired from hail damage...what the hail is that about? Hoot.

Phoenix After the Rain

Friday, October 1, 2010

Take a limo to the grocery store

Who takes a limo to the grocery store?!?! LOL Baller!

Arab Food

I LOVE it.

Phoenix Freeway

I love getting off early. It allows to me see beautiful things like this: I am truly so blessed in life right now. I know I have neglected my blogging. I promise to try better. For now. Know that I am well.