And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The old in yesterday.

I took this on my way to Urgent Care. They did more for me in an hour than my on call Doctor. She was not so nice to me. But these guys were awesome. I sat in the waiting room by myself...NO ONE was there...other than nurses and 1 doctor...I waited for 15 minutes to be put in a room. No one said anything but I chuckled a little since I waited for no one to exit one of the rooms.
One of my co-workers had this gum in her desk. I asked her if it was the "original packaging" or not. Does anyone remember this gum? I barely do. This stuff is way old. But really good. I figured if I'm ever feeling nostalgic I can grab a piece and take myself back to the 50's....not that I have ever been there...but in my dreams. Syke.


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