And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hand Blowy Thingy Part 2


The first one totally looks like some official gang member signs. It's pretty awesome. Then again he kind of looks like he is milking something(hmmm...). He's got the 2 finger grab on it, like when you think something is disgusting and don't want to touch it with your whole hand....niceah! This one is esspecially full of awesomeness. Thanks Dude!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha (Breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah(Breath) hahahahahahahahaha. I bet this one actually hurt a little. It spits out hot air. Not like a cool Atlantic breezey brezze. Like a serious heat stroke pumping out. I'm diggin the creativity though. HA!
The last 2 remind me of those mirrors at the Fair. Where the mirror totally distorts how you look. It's pretty gnarly. Thank you for all of your entries! I look forward to some more laughs! Keep them coming!

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