And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jenni you are my hero

So this one the job Jenni decided to wear some super duper high heels to work. They were super uncomfortable. I could hear her lil toes screaming from inside the shoe. Sooner than later Jenni tired of wearing these heels of the high, and begged me for my shoes. Before I could come to the rescue, another associate aided Jenni with her foot pain. She was wearing some Incredible Hulk shoes. WOW. :) Also, she had one lovely pink sock on, and one lovely white sock on. It was fairly amusing. Ok, it was AWESOME. :) Made my day. I am going to buy Jenni some flippy flops to keep here at the office so that the Incredible Hulk feet does not happen again. Woot

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