And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, November 27, 2009


Jenni you have to be one of the most entertaining people I have ever met in my life. I received 2 test messages earlier in the week. Both had these pictures attached to them. The earrings were a potential Christmas gift. I heart big earrings. They make me look Gangstar. Woot. The other (face in the floor picture) was from work. Jenni had a migraine that day, and went to the "Supervisor Lounge" to take a rest. She included in the message, "Hiding." I wasn't sure if this was a game of hide and go seek, or if she was merely telling me that she was hiding. LOL I figured it was a "I'm hiding so tell the world to leave me the hell alone or I will cut them in the face with a plastic spork after I punch them in the face with my frawn like fists" kind of text. So I left her alone. Little did I know, she wanted to play hide and seek in the building. Bummer. Next time I will play along. Woot.

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