And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, November 28, 2009

HCG day one and two

Day one and two of my new diet require me to pig the hell out on whatever I want. Cool right? - Not really. I feel like a cow. But I am doing this for America, for the world, for the people, ok I'm not doing it for any of those things. I just wanna be Carmen Electra. Or at least her look a like cousin. Woot

Blac Label

I bought a few blac label shirts over the black friday craziness. I LOVE blac label. With a huge passion. Their clothes are fly as hell. I thought I would take a little preview for you. Anyone thinking of buying me a Christmas present, I am a 4X. :)

Clouds in Phoenix

Clouds out here don't typically mean anything, but today it does. It is pouring in Southern California today. I'm hoping this means that we will grab some of this rain too. I love when it rains here. It's not really cold. It feels nice out. Sometimes I wish we had all 4 seasons. Then I realize that I just like a rainy day every once in awhile.


For some reason she only lays on me when I am on the couch. Anywhere else in the house, and she is not having it. When I am on the couch though, she wants to be a potato just like me. :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thought of the day

We are all time travelers moving at the speed of exactly 60 minutes per hour.

Love from Mission Beach

Larry, Mo, and Curly

Actually it's Junior, Mia, and Cairo. All little duckies in a row. Toni sent me this picture when she was leaving the house. I love it. I think it's so funny. I opened the windows so that they could have a bit of fresh air. They seem to meow at passerbys too. They are partiers. What can I say? Woot

If I'm the music, She's my lyric.

I <3 You


Jenni you have to be one of the most entertaining people I have ever met in my life. I received 2 test messages earlier in the week. Both had these pictures attached to them. The earrings were a potential Christmas gift. I heart big earrings. They make me look Gangstar. Woot. The other (face in the floor picture) was from work. Jenni had a migraine that day, and went to the "Supervisor Lounge" to take a rest. She included in the message, "Hiding." I wasn't sure if this was a game of hide and go seek, or if she was merely telling me that she was hiding. LOL I figured it was a "I'm hiding so tell the world to leave me the hell alone or I will cut them in the face with a plastic spork after I punch them in the face with my frawn like fists" kind of text. So I left her alone. Little did I know, she wanted to play hide and seek in the building. Bummer. Next time I will play along. Woot.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!

Gobble Gobble Shake it Shake It!! Holler

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

She Loves Me. Especially in the sun.


Deena and I went to Harrah's this past weekend and had some fun with pie. I had a craving for blackberry pie. Not sure why, but man did I want it. Well, we went to the buffet at Harrah's and I went a lil crazy on the pies. Everything looked so good, so Deena and I got every type that looked AMAZING. (all of them) Thanks Harrah's you helped me with my blackberry pie mission. Woot

Google lolz

I was doing some searching on the interwebs and found something very odd.

Does anyone see a problem with these pictures?

I did some additional research and found that the words that auto populate are common searches...WTF?!?! lol

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I know.

I must be obsessed right? Yeah. For sure. Who else gets T-shirts with their own name on it? This reminds me of that dude Charm from Tool Academy. I mean I don't have I <3 FK on my shirt, but it's pretty close. If you missed Tool Academy this season check out some re-runs.

I'm not that bad right?!?!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Love love love loves

Holy Water

So when I got home I learned that my home had turned into a river. Awesome right? Yeah not so much. This was no burrito to come home to. On top of that I had Deena coming over. Tyler said that I should offer to seranade her while I row us to my bedroom. ha! How romantic! One shop vac and a new water heater later, and this disaster was over. Woot

What do lesbians bring on a second date?

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Goodnight Beautiful people. I'm going home now. I'll leave you with 2 things:

1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

2. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public. WOOT

Bed of my truck

Deena and I went camping last night. Not really. We went to the base of South Mountain to stare at the stars and listen to music. We took a bunch of blankets and layed back there. It was FREEZING! Seriously. It was really really cold. Like really really. We snuggled to not freeze to death. Any moment I share with her is amazing. I love you Deena Jane. XO


Tyler and I were at her house not even 10 minutes before all this happened. We got a text from Toni saying AH!!!!! Pilgpre, the new edition to the TNT household thought it would be a good idea to try to eat a trash can sampler. She ended up knocking over the entire thing and creating a huge mess. Poor Pilgore. No more dumpster diving buddy!

Neighborhood Boyfriend

I always laugh when I think about that phrase. Deena had some broken bulbs on her license plate, so I picked up her car to fix them before her court date. They were FULLY corroded, and broken. I spent 30 picking shards of glass out of the sockets. No burrito. In the end I fixed it, and they are now functioning. I am the shiz, the big cheese, the bomb, the solution, the problem solver, ok I'm not all that. I am a bulb replacer. woot.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am CPR Certified

My office recently decided that we all needed to be CPR certified. I thought that this was pretty cool. There is a lot of responsibility behind it, but I am not first aid and CPR certified for any man, woman, child, or infant. I think that's pretty flippin cool too. Woot.

FK is in the building

I had a shirt made for me recently. I didn't have too many options on the design itself, but I think it came out pretty good. I even recently changed my name on Myspace. It went from Fat Kid to FK. I feel like I have grown up since I have been called Fat Kid. FK is the newer improved me. And I'm glad to be here. Time to start a new legacy of swag.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Super Silly Sara

Sara came to me earlier today and asked how to become famous. I said "Simple. Be featured on my blog." Well, it probably won't make you famous lol, but we can try! Sara is an aspiring musician. She plays the spoons and triangle, and man is she GOOD! She has been playing for the biggest names in the spoon and triangle musical business, and has been bringing great joy to all who listen. :) No seriously. She is awesome. She is also available for children's birthday parties, as well as bah mitzvah celebrations. Nothing brings you into adulthood like a spoon and or triangle solo. CALL TODAY and receive a coupon for 3% off a spoon and triangle musical lesson. Woot.

All statements above are completely false, and not meant to insult anyone who actually thinks that playing the spoons or a triangle is a profession. Thanks Sara for participating in my silliness. Please send all complaints to:

IDunCare AtAll
123 Fake St.
FakeCity AZ, 88888
