And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Best Friend Toni, and her K9 Watch Police dog Perry

Toni left last night. She is going to Las Vegas to test for LVPD. For those of you who do not know Toni, she wants to be a Las Vegas Police Officer. This is scary for me. For more than one reason too. She is my best friend. I love her living 4 doors down from me. I'm scared for her more than I am selfish with this. I don't want her to get hurt, or worse. I know that she knows what she's doing, and I trust her judgement for sure. There is a huge part of me that does not want her to succeed. That's only 1% of me. The other 99% hopes that she passes with flying colors and becomes one of Las Vegas' finest. So Toni, good luck. I know that you will do well. Just please please come back in one piece. It will be hard to drink with you otherwise. ;)

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