And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A trip down memory lane

I totally remember living in Southern California and having these all the time. If you had squuezits you were the friggin envy of the neighborhood. These were pretty good. I think they are still around too. I remember them advertising a lot more back then. I haven't seen a commercial in a hot minute.

Every Doctor, Dentist, and church waiting room had these magazines. I was never really interested in the articles themselves, but I LOVED looking at the back to find the "what's wrong with this picture?" It was the "Highlight" of my young adult life.

Dinosaurs!!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen an episode of these guys in a hot minute. But I remember loving the sloppy baby. Goodness I miss the 90's!

I think these things were called Turtles. I remember on a Southern Cali Summer day my sister cracked a tooth riding one of these things. My sister was the barbie doll playing type. I was the athletic tom boy. I tried convincing her to not ride it, but she did. And she got hurt. Thank God for elmo bandaids, and ice pops.

I LOVED this show. Swore by it religously. Still that one question remains....why was there only one female smurf??

If I had a dollar for everytime that I made one of these for a girl I would be quite wealthy. And if I had a dollar everytime I received a mixtape I would be a hundredaire for sure. I used to love cassettes. It only sucked when you were trying to learn a song, and you had to wait forever to rewind. Then stop on the right spot. Then fast forward, then listen again. Ah....I love CD's.

I remember these commercials so well. They had actual people act out the game. My parents never bought this. Something about a man in a house full of young girls bothered them. My mom would always ask why not "Don't wake Mommy" Thanks Mattell. You suck.
I knew so many kids who had be honest they weren't that great. They served little purpose, they broke easily, and they typically only fell one direction. For whatever reason EVERYONE on the block had one. Probably because they were $0.75 from the ice cream man.
I remember these very well. I always wanted Mickey or Donald because they taste way better than Goofy or Minnie. I'm not sure why they didn't come up with another flavor. Maybe blue, green, even pink. This definitely peaked my interest in why Minnie and Goofy were the same color...made me think that rumors were true...Minnie was so cheating on Mickey with the Goofster. BUSTED!!!
Thanks for reminiscing on the 90's with me. It's not often that we remember the joys of the 90's. It's crazy to think that this all happened so long ago. Getting older is fun, but life was so much fun with ice pops and wooden toys. Woot!

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