And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gas Station Psychics.

So I went to Circle K last night for some gasoline. Yes. Gasoline. And I was stopped by a troop of people in a Ford Expedition. They got my attention, and a girl in the backseat leaned forward and asked me if I believed in energy readings. I told her I did to a degree. She offered a free reading, so I accepted...She told me of my life. Things that strangers would not know. She told me of my parents relationship. She told me of my last love relationship in detail. She even told me of my tattoos. It was crazy. Then she had me stunned. She told me of the ripped $20 bill in my wallet. No way she would have known. It was in my wallet, and I pulled from my pocket. She also told me that my energy consumed the corner of the street. She said I was a social butterfly, and that the people who don't like me, secretly wish that they knew me....hmmm...thanks gas station psychic lady. Now I might actually go see a Psychic...see what she has to say. Holler

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