And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last night

I had a profound realization that I look nothing like I used to. Granted I don't talk, act, or think the same, but I have gained some major weight over the last 8 years. This May was the 8th year anniversary of graduating high school. Holy cow! 8 years is a long time. Then I realize that I am not getting any younger, and the older I get the more unmotivated I am to make tough changes in my life.

So what did I do? I shadow boxed in my bedroom at 1am because I couldnt sleep. So this is what I envisioned myself to look like:

And this is more like what I ACTUALLY looked like:

I was so tired when it was all said and done that I literally sat on the floor in my room and drank water. No worries. No Krispy Kreme bag full of donuts was around. :)

I also did some crazy situps. I wanted to feel the burn again. I got one. After like 2. I think that means that my body is super angry that I waited this long to do a situp. Booooooo. I want to find my shake weight too. Man that thing is powerful! About 30 seconds in my arms want to detach from my body and lay in bed. It's an intense work out for your upper torso.

Neither here nor there I am going to start taking the time to walk Coco more. Take her out and about which will give me an excuse to walk fast or possibly jog a bit. Either way I am going to change my habits. No more soda. No more high calorie juices or drinks. Or foods for that matter. I have even considered taking the HCG shots this time around. Not sure what will come of this though. Either way it's happening. I found my motivation and I'm holding on for dear life.

Pray for me. I will need it.

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