And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Softball game

My office played Softball last night. I'm sore. It reminds me how out of shape that I am. Good thing in October I will be getting my Shiznit together. Time to be Carmen Electra worthy again...ok maybe I'm aiming a little too high lol. I would like to be in better shape. Last night was a blast. Cold beer, good food, softball, and all my co-workers. I couldn't ask for more. Not to mention we won. By like 11. It was awesome. :) See the pictures below.

This is me running to First. My buddy Mike was the first baseman. I wasn't there long. I wasn't about to pull another ham string. Last time I pulled a hammy then went to Vegas 2 days later. Talk about pain. Sitting on anything that was not 100% cushy was pain. Pure pain.

Jason is up to bat here. If you look in the background you can see the team. We had fun. Tons of fun.

Josh. The big hitter of the night! Woot!
Christina and Chuck. We tried to pull the old ball in the glove trick. Needless to say it worked. Even though she wasn't technically out. :) Mikey!!! He's a character. And incredibly competitve. It was good to have him there.
Mary. I love her face in this one. She warned me that the pictures were pretty funny. I can't help but agree. :)

Sabre. Oh Sabre. You are awesome. :)

Christina. She was the pitcher for the CCC Support. She did really well. And we all had fun shiznit talking. I think I was called Lou-Siffer about a bajillion times last night.
James is my boss, and he is another heavy hitter. Go James!
Miss Lita. Last game her and I suffered from a pulled ham string. We sat together with ice under our legs attempting to cheer our team to victory. Luckily no one was injured this game.

Richard!!!! My drizzy dog! M, and DeAndrea. Richard is awesome. Intelligent and musically driven. This is why we get along so well. That's my dawg! M and DeAndrea realized that they needed to come to the Supervisor side and cheer for us. They took some pictures that I will be posting later.
Marco and Richard. Marco was recently in a car accident that left his shoulder and back in a tumble. He was unable to play, but he was here to cheer us on.

This is the face I get when people talk shiznit to me. For those who know me, only 1 thing happens when people talk shiznit. I preform. I smacked that stitch off that ball. :)

Jenni and her frawn running. She does a girl run. It's totally awesome. I heart your frawn running Jenster.

Her "serious" face. Get that dirty ugly ball!!

This is me trying to coach from the outfield. I kept yelling at Jenni. We had discussions out there. It was pretty awesome. It kept me entertained. Thanks Vicky. :)

The end. But not for good. There is always more to come. Stay Tuned kids.

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