And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cigarettes and Laptops

Sometimes I feel like it's just me....and a cigarette....and a laptop....and then I realize I hardly have time to smoke let alone look up the latest you tube video. My life is fairly busy. Between work, a social life, and drinking...I just don't have that much time. I don't even know why I have Cable. I am never home to watch it...Then again when I do watch it, I am very grateful.

Back to my cigarette and last night I logged into myspace to check out some peeps, and my effing laptop kept shutting down on me. So there I am..frustrated as hell...and I need a cigarette. Now typically I will go outside and smoke (if I'm sober) but last night I was so gosh darn tooten angry that I decided to light up right there....right in front of my laptop....while I rebooted. (sigh)

There is nothing like Cigarettes and laptops to add to your frustration...I think I will write Marlboro, and maybe they will send me a Marlboro laptop that isn't from the year 2000. Woot!

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