And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today is another great day

We had another management Seminar today. It was held at the Hilton Suites downtown. The speaker was quite interesting. He spoke of generational differences in the workplace, and how to manage them efficently. I picked up a lot of good information, and it gave me some time to rub elbows with upper management. I really LOVE my job. Like I really really LOVE my job. Tonight was a pretty night too. I took some photos on my way out to lunch. I ended up at a Safeway. I had 2 associates that had birthdays last month. So I went out and bought a Boston Cream Strawberry Cake, and some cookies for my team. They loved it. My team is at an 85% for the month which is AWESOME! I am so proud of them...ok enough rambling for now. I sent off some paperwork to Jamie today. I also sent her some photos that she has been asking for. I put a photo in there for her Dad too. He misses Flagstaff so I though I would give him one of the scenic photos that I took. I blew it up to a 5x7 so that it was big enough to see. I hope he enjoys it. I have the majority of my Christmas photos in order as well. The phone that I purchased for my mother should be arriving on Monday. I am also paying for my dad's car to be fixed this weekend along with some slippers that he wanted for Christmas. I have so much to do, and no time to do it in. I will have to make due I guess. I really just want to help my dad get his car fixed, and get him in order. Everything has been so chaotic since he lost his job. Then mom lost her job. It put a lot of stress on me, but not to much that I couldn't handle it. Next order of business is saving money to be able to travel more in 2009. I am looking forward to the end of this year. It will be good to get 2008 out of the way, and start 2009 debt free. By 2009 I will have paid off my debt to Stephen Dickey, the IRS, and almost complete my interlock. I am so close. March, and I am in the clear. (thank you Jesus for no more of those payments.) I can't wait. 2009 looks like a fresh new year for economic status.

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