And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunset on 9/29/08

Yesterday was a hard day for me. I lost my roommate who used to be my best friend, and my girlfriend left for back home. It made me sad to think about it. I went and tried to get my truck emissioned go. I'm going to have to pay a bajillion dollars to have it done. Good thing is, I will hopefully have a roommate for November, and won't have to worry about paying full rent...i need my truck fixed. It's not even broken. I just need tags. Which sucks. Anyways. These are some pictures that I took, and as I was taking them....all I could think was how much I wanted Jamie there to watch the sunset with me. We went to Indian Steele too. I walked her around my favorite park, and showed her some really cool sites. I have those pictures on my digital along with the pictures from our first there is much more to come!

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