And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Make up your mind. Socks UP or DOWN.

Stickers on Cars

I literally have no words.

My new cell

If you don't have one of these you are not cool. I CANNOT surf the web, text, bbm, facebook status, check my email, or make calls without extending my 12 inch antenna. Data plan Schmata plan. You know you wanna be me. Hallla!


Coco Got caught on the phone!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Louisa [9:52 AM]:

hey there

Louisa [9:52 AM]:

this is Lou from the CCC

Brad [10:40 AM]:

well hello, how are you Miss Lou?

Louisa [10:41 AM]:

Hi! I am good. You? I had my questions answered. But thank you for getting back to me

Brad [10:42 AM]:

U bet. Just let me know if I can ever do nothing for you again. Always glad not to help (kidding)

Louisa [10:42 AM]:

That made my day! Thanks Brad! ;)

I love that people are lively. It keeps my job alive. It's the simple things in my day to day that make me happy. Can you believe this made my day? Awesome right? I'm simple. What can I say?